Due June 13 at 11:59 PM Researching Business Disciplines A

Due June 13 at 11:59 PM

Researching Business Disciplines

A successful academic career usually includes teaching, research, and service. In pursuing a doctorate in business, you are choosing a field rich with well-grounded theory and practical application of your interests. For this week’s research paper, choose one of the business disciplines, such as accounting, human resources, leadership, finance, marketing, etc. Select a specific topic within that discipline and investigate how academic research has historically informed the evolution of practices for that discipline. It is early in your program, but take this opportunity to venture into an area of business you would be interested in pursuing in your DBA program.

  • Evaluate a topic within a business discipline and review journal articles from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals related to the practical application of research in the discipline.
  • Assess the effect that current research has on business practices in that discipline (relative to your topic). How has academic research helped business progress in this area?
  • Summarize why your topic in the business discipline might be of interest as an area of research, including a scholarly opinion on what should be researched next in the discipline.

Note: Scholarly opinion = your conclusions supported by citations and evidence.

Submission Details:

  • Complete your response to this assignment in a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
  • Name the document SU_BUS7000_W2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc
  • By the due date assigned submit the document to the Submissions Area.

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