GCU Change and Conflict Analysis Nursing Assignment Help

You are the site manager for a health care center caring for an urban population experiencing homelessness. After the identification of patient safety concerns, you have realized the need to institute a new quality initiative regarding how patients’ home medications are stored when they are admitted. This new initiative involves the cooperation of the security and nursing staff. While most of the staff understand and are following the new policy, there appears to be difficulty any time Lisa – a security guard – and Tom – an LPN – are working together. In 1,000-1,250 words, examine the following based on the scenario above:

Assess three best practices in leading others through the change process. These should be evidence-based best practices.

Discuss how you would ensure your team is working together successfully.

List two approaches you can use in having a difficult conversation to address conflict on your team.

Describe methods you would use to resolve conflict on your team.

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In order to ensure patient safety and provide quality care, it is crucial to implement effective change initiatives in healthcare settings. This includes addressing any potential conflicts or difficulties that may arise among the staff during the process. In this scenario, the site manager of a health care center for homeless individuals has identified an issue regarding the storage of patients’ home medications during admission. It has been observed that there is a specific challenge when the security guard, Lisa, and the LPN, Tom, are working together. This essay aims to assess best practices in leading others through the change process, strategies for ensuring successful teamwork, approaches for addressing conflict through difficult conversations, and methods for resolving conflicts within the team.

Assess three best practices in leading others through the change process:

1. Effective Communication:
One of the most crucial aspects of successful change management is effective communication. It is essential to clearly and consistently communicate the purpose, goals, and benefits of the change initiative to all staff members, including Lisa and Tom. This can be achieved through various communication channels, such as staff meetings, emails, and one-on-one discussions. Providing regular updates and ensuring that the staff understands the importance of the change will help them to actively engage and participate in the process.

2. Collaboration and Team Building:
Building a collaborative and supportive team environment is essential for leading others through the change process. Encouraging teamwork, fostering open communication, and establishing a culture of trust will enable staff members to work together effectively. In this scenario, it is important to encourage cooperation and collaboration between Lisa and Tom by creating opportunities for joint problem-solving and fostering a sense of shared responsibility towards patient safety.

3. Training and Education:
Providing adequate training and education to staff members is crucial in implementing change initiatives successfully. In this case, it would be beneficial to offer specific training on the new policy regarding the storage of patients’ home medications. This can help alleviate any confusion or resistance towards the change and ensure that all staff members, including Lisa and Tom, understand and follow the new protocol. Training can be conducted through workshops, presentations, and hands-on practice to ensure comprehension and competence.

Discuss how you would ensure your team is working together successfully:

To ensure successful teamwork, the following strategies can be implemented:

1. Clear Roles and Responsibilities:
Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of each team member, including Lisa and Tom, is essential in avoiding conflicts and fostering collaboration. This can be established through regular meetings and discussions where expectations are communicated and understood. Providing clarity in roles helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that everyone understands their specific tasks and contributions towards the team’s goals.

2. Encouraging Open Communication:
Creating an environment that encourages open and honest communication is crucial in fostering successful teamwork. Active listening, regular check-ins, and open-door policies can facilitate effective communication among the team members. In this scenario, specifically addressing the challenges faced by Lisa and Tom and providing them with a safe space to express their concerns can help resolve any conflicts and reinforce a sense of teamwork.

3. Recognizing and Celebrating Achievements:
Acknowledging and celebrating the achievements and contributions of the team members, both as individuals and as a team, can foster a positive working environment. Recognizing their efforts and providing constructive feedback on their performance can motivate and boost morale. This can be achieved through regular performance evaluations, public recognition, and rewards and incentives for exceptional performance.

List two approaches you can use in having a difficult conversation to address conflict on your team:

1. Active Listening and Empathy:
When engaging in a difficult conversation to address conflict, it is important to practice active listening and demonstrate empathy towards the other person’s perspective. This involves focusing on understanding their concerns, emotions, and needs without interrupting or becoming defensive. Acknowledging and validating their feelings can help create a more conducive environment for resolving the conflict and finding a mutually acceptable solution.

2. Collaborative Problem-solving:
Approaching the difficult conversation with a collaborative mindset can be beneficial in resolving conflict. Instead of adopting a confrontational approach, encourage open dialogue and explore potential solutions together. By involving all parties in the problem-solving process, including Lisa and Tom, it helps foster ownership and encourages them to contribute to finding a resolution. This approach can promote a sense of shared responsibility and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Describe methods you would use to resolve conflict on your team:

To resolve conflict within the team, the following methods can be utilized:

1. Mediation:
If conflicts escalate and cannot be resolved directly between the involved parties, mediation can be an effective approach. Bringing in a neutral third-party, such as a supervisor or a trained mediator, can provide an unbiased perspective and facilitate dialogue between the conflicting individuals. Mediation allows for open and constructive communication, aiming to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution that addresses the concerns and needs of all parties involved.

2. Establishing Conflict Resolution Policies:
Implementing conflict resolution policies within the healthcare center can help prevent and resolve conflicts effectively. These policies should outline the steps and procedures to be followed in the event of conflicts, including whom to contact, appropriate channels of communication, and the importance of maintaining confidentiality. By providing a clear framework for conflict resolution, it enables staff members to handle conflicts in a professional and constructive manner.

Implementing change initiatives in healthcare settings requires effective leadership, teamwork, and conflict resolution strategies. By following evidence-based best practices in leading others through the change process, ensuring successful teamwork, addressing conflicts through difficult conversations, and utilizing appropriate conflict resolution methods, healthcare professionals can promote a positive work environment and provide quality care to patients.

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