Instructions (contains spoilers): For this assignment, you will be required to read an article and answer a series of questions based on course material.

Instructions (contains spoilers): For this assignment, you will be required to read an article and answer a series of questions based on course material. In the article, Role of the Media in Promoting the Dehumanization of People Who Use Drugs, Habib and colleagues (2023) discuss several ways that the media dehumanizes people who use drugs and the consequences of such depictions.  

Using Haslam’s cubic model of dehumanization, identify different types of dehumanization presented in the article.

How can the information from the article lead to dehumanization by default? What outcomes may result from the dehumanization by default process of people who use drugs?

How does the information from the article relate to the associative process of human categorization? What results may be a consequence of these associations?

What functions may dehumanizing people who use drugs serve?

How do other factors (e.g., race/ethnicity, sex/gender) influence the media portrayals of people who use drugs? Using material from throughout the course, how may we understand the significant impact from these factors?

For each of the three processes (i.e., dehumanization by default, association, and functional), discuss one method that could be used to reduce the dehumanization of people who use drugs.

Format/Additional Requirements (not meeting format guidelines will result in loss of points):

You must use your own words. In other words, no direct quotations (even if cited) or copying and pasting from any source (i.e., plagiarism).  

APA format  

Font: 12 pt. Times New Roman

Margins: 1” (2.54 cm) all around

Page limit: None

Title-page: Not necessary

Save and upload file: Save the file as a .docx, .doc., .rtf, or .pdf; preference for .docx) with your last name, first initial and the assignment number as the filename (e.g., for me the file would be SharpM2.docx).

Use proper writing style. This includes clarity, punctuation, grammar, and spelling. Also, don’t use too long of paragraphs—each paragraph should focus on a central idea. There is a penalty of up to 10% of possible points for poor writing style.

Suggested Reading: 

Epley, N., Waytz, A., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2007). On seeing human: A three-factor theory of anthropomorphism.Psychological Review, 114,864-886.

**I will cover the important stuff in the reading in my lecture but you can use this for further information or clarification if needed


Suggested Reading:

Bernard, P., Gervais, S. J., & Klein, O. (2018). Objectifying objectification: When and why people are cognitively reduced to their parts akin to objects. European Review of Social Psychology, 29(1), 82-121. 

*I will be covering the important content from this reading in the lecture, so you may use this for additional information or clarification.

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