How does the exhibit reflect/engage/respond to contemporary discourse

The first assignment will involve visiting Anthropocene, an ongoing exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada.The assignment requires you to describe the exhibit generally and then select one image (or other work) todiscuss in more detail. Specifically, you should describe the image/work and its context, the nature and scope ofthe human activity being portrayed and […]

Critical Discourse Analysis & Language Ideologies

Topic of the research paper: Write about the Critical Discourse Analysis theory and methodology in general and analyze what discourse models (or ‘language ideologies’) are and what their role is. PS to the writer: Please use the provided pdf materials in your research paper (and any other relevant materials you wish). Please be very specific […]

Week 6 Comparative Essay: What is the discourse that emerges?

Choose a week’s worth of readings that focus on a topic that you would like to analyze more deeply. you will choose between Weeks 6-9. Strong essays should include the following: • An introduction that clearly presents your argument about the week’s readings. How do the arguments in each of the readings relate to each […]