Solutions to improve health inequity(life expectancy of a child) by

9 pages (less than 5000 words) of .docx, And 3 pages of .ppt based on the content of the paper for presentation.    The content of the report should be as follows: Abstract – max ½ page Introduction (Set the stage, problem statement, main (sub-)objective, structure of report) – max 1.5 pages Analysis of the […]

Discussion Blog: Read The Life Expectancy Calculation PDF article by

Discussion Blog: Read The Life Expectancy Calculation PDF article by the Foundation for Infinite Survival, Inc (available online:  to an external site.)). Discuss the following learning goals: factors affecting life expectancy, each scenario (1-8), and your opinion/reaction to the life-expectancy calculation experience. Demonstrate your knowledge and personal application to each calculation process through detailed and in-depth discussion. Add your […]