Call Dis Kris/ Feb 2019 John Cage, Levi Strauss and Krauss

1.Krauss seems to assume a pseudo-Structuralist line in the mere fact that she is talking about the ‘discourse of originality’ (157; cf. 161, 168) concerning the Avant-Garde, and the ‘grid’. And then, perhaps there is an almost Cage-ian sense of ‘silence’ (as not being utter silence) in her discussion of the visual ‘grid’ or ‘grid-scored […]

Read Jesus Behaving Badly by Mark L. Strauss and write a five-page boo

*Students will read Jesus Behaving Badly by Mark L. Strauss and write a five-page book “response” (5 full pages, double-spaced, 12 pt font, 1” margins). *State the bibliographic entry (as on p.1 in the syllabus) at the top of page 1. Strauss, Mark L. Jesus Behaving Badly. IVP, 2015. *Then, respond and interact with five […]

podcast script: Strauss, Levi (entrepreneur)

This assignment is essentially a research assignment that provides you a little opportunity for creativity. After you have researched the life of your chosen entrepreneur, write a script for an interview with your historic entrepreneur. You will write both the questions that are asked by the interviewer and the responses that your entrepreneur would have […]