WCU Integration to Advance Family Practitioner Case Study Nursing Assignment Help

Case study Description write a scholarly paper, “Health Promotion Program Proposal,” addressing existing knowledge related to health promotion based on one practice problem (condition) listed below.  Topic: Heart disease Select one. In the proposal, you will also develop a health promotion program to meet a health need of a vulnerable population in your potential concentration […]

SEU Hajj Pilgrim Respiratory Risks Study Design Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Read the following article, paying close attention to the study design. Benkouiten, S., Al-Tawfiq, J., Memish, Z. A., Albarrak, A., & Gautret, P. (2019). Clinical respiratory infections and pneumonia during the hajj pilgrimage: A systematic review. […]

NSU Professional Ethical Issues Case Study Nursing Assignment Help

Scenario: You were part of the Medical Decision Making (MSM) Committee at your hospital. You are also the Administrative Manager of the Respiratory Therapy and Treatment Department of the hospital. The MDM committee has been asked to make a determination regarding the status of the patient is the link above. NOTE: This case is an […]

HSA 405 SU?Healthcare Quality Case Study Nursing Assignment Help

Overview In order to complete this case study, refer to this week’s readings for policy information required to analyze and make recommendations on this case. As a healthcare quality fraud analyst, you are responsible for identification of root causes and providing recommendations in an action plan to ensure compliance with federal and state quality policies. […]

USC Health & Medical Physical Assessment Case Study Nursing Assignment Help

Instructions: Use the Case Study Template to complete.  Discuss the case study below  A 42-year-old female complains of progressive weight gain of 20 pounds over the last year, fatigue, postural dizziness, loss of memory, slow speech, deepening of her voice, dry skin, constipation, and cold intolerance. She claims her menses have been irregular x 1 […]

CSUN Understaffing in Nursing Practice Case Study Nursing Assignment Help

After you view the case study,(I will post the video below) reflect upon what you have learned and how it is related to the learning materials. Compare the case study to your nursing practice and give a similar example from your experience in which you might have run into staffing issues. So, how can you […]

Case Study: Havasupai Tribe vs. Arizona State University Nursing Assignment Help

Case Study: Havasupai Tribe vs. Arizona State University  link to video; PROMPT: Imagine that you are on the research ethics consultation service that must write a report for the case that you picked. This report will be available to the researchers, the IRB, and potentially the research participants.  Your report for the case study should […]

Nutrition for Success Case Study Report Nursing Assignment Help

CASE STUDY PAPER  GUIDELINES: the case study topic I want you to write about is  (Nutrition for success). RESEARCH CASE STUDY:        Start with your textbook and then expand to professional journals. You must cite at least 10 research references from professional sports medicine-related journals. COMPONENTS FOR THE PAPER  (but are not restricted to): 1. […]