Topic: Supply Chain and Pandemic  500 – 1,200 words with at least 4 sources; work cited page should be at the bottom. Topic: Supply Chain and Pandemic Your

Topic: Supply Chain and Pandemic 

500 – 1,200 words with at least 4 sources; work cited page should be at the bottom. Topic: Supply Chain and Pandemic Your outline will look something like this: Research Question: Thesis Statement: (a complex sentence that answers your Research Question) Topic sentence 1: (The first reason your thesis is true.) Example 1: (Information from your first source with intext citation in MLA format.) Wrap-up sentences: (3-4 sentences that connect your example to your topic sentence and your topic sentence to your thesis.) Topic sentence 2: (The second reason your thesis is true.) Example 2: (Information from your second source with intext citation in MLA format.) Wrap-up sentences: (3-4 sentences that connect your example to your topic sentence and your topic sentence to your thesis.) Topic sentence 3: (The third reason your thesis is true.) Example 3: (Information from your third source with intext citation in MLA format.) Wrap-up sentences: (3-4 sentences that connect your example to your topic sentence and your topic sentence to your thesis.) Topic sentence 4: (The fourth reason your thesis is true.) Example 4: (Information from your fourth source with intext citation in MLA format.) Wrap-up sentences: (3-4 sentences that connect your example to your topic sentence and your topic sentence to your thesis.)

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