D. Performance Assessment: In this section, you will assess the

D. Performance Assessment: In this section, you will assess the performance of your selected subdivision in the organization in relation to the missio n and goals of the overall organization by performing a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis. i. Identify the major internal factors that positively and negatively affect the organizational performance. Justify your identifications. For example, a key internal factors may be the selection criteria for staff or clients. ii. Identify the major external factors that positively and negatively affect the organizational performance. Justify your identifications. For example, key external factors may include laws, legislators, and citizen input. iii. Based on the previously identified internal factors, analyze whether or not the organization is maximizing its strengths and minimizing its weaknesses. Substantiate your claims. For example, consider the areas of the subdivision that have the most impact on success, such as the classification of offenders. iv. Based on the previously identified external factors, analyze whether or not the organization is maximizing its opportunities and minimizing its threats. Substantiate your claims. For example, consider the areas that are most vulnerable in assuring success and how these can be turned into strengths,such as housing inmates in a reception area to adequately assesstheirneeds, not simply classifying on offen secriteria.


Florida Re-Entry Subdivision (aka Recovery, Treatment, and Rehabilitation) 

The role of the Re-entry subdivision is to provide quality programs to inmates, equipping them with the competencies necessary to become productive, crimefree members of society. In addition to the FDC organizational mission statement, the Re-entry Subdivision has its own mission, to provide the most effective rehabilitative care for inmates of any race, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, creed, national origin, or color, and to engage in research, development, and teaching programs to reduce both recidivism and dependency. This subdivision has recently been faced with some challenges, including budget constraints leading to inadequate funding for programs, overpopulation of corrections facilities, lack of sufficient staff, and a high rate of inmate recidivism. These impacts have led to a high employee turnover rate. However, the staff that has been hired has shown great motivation to learn the job, creating a positive environment in the department. Documented flexibility has shown that the department is capable of adjusting and adapting to changes effectively. • Former Offender Re-Entry Programs and Resources in Florida: https://www.recordgone.com/articles/former-offender-re-entry-programs-and-resourcesflorida.htm

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