My topic is the Pennsylvania State University Jerry Sandusky scandal

My topic is the Pennsylvania State University Jerry Sandusky  scandal for this it needs to 3 pages apa with 3 references  it must include the following

Within this section, you will investigate the impact the event or incident has had on the surrounding society. In doing so, you will need to:
A. Evaluate the economic impact the selected sport organization has had on the surrounding society. Provide examples to support your response.
B. Describe the different factors that determined the economic impact of the event or incident.
C. Describe the different factors that determined the sociocultural impact of the event or incident.
D. Summarize the changes the organization has made following the event or incident that have impacted society.
E. Summarize the roles public policy and the law play within the sport organization and the selected event.
F. Analyze the impact of your organization in bringing about cultural and political change as a result of the event or incident.
G. Analyze the surrounding society’s response to the positive and negative effects of the event or incident. Provide examples to illustrate your
H. Describe how the surrounding society’s perception of the organization changed as a result of the event or incident

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