Marketing: behavior change: Read ” Influence: Science & Practice”,

Read ” Influence: Science & Practice”, provides descriptions of and research findings on six widely used interpersonal persuasive approaches. For this assignment, you’re asked to read the entire book and think about the approaches that are described. Write a brief and personal book report; you can organize your report around your responses to the following questions:

a) What was most striking about what you read in the book? Was there a section or chapter that you found especially powerful? Why?

b) Which approaches have you experienced first-hand? Briefly describe two of your experiences and assess the effectiveness, both from the perspective of the person/organization using the persuasion approach and from the perspective of the person/organization the technique was intended to persuade. If you haven’t experienced these yourself, then speculate on how 2 of these techniques could be applied and assess from both perspectives. c) Applications considerations: How could an organization apply these techniques? Is there anything you will do differently after reading this book? Are there ethical issues that should be taken into consideration when thinking about applying these techniques? This book report may be written in the form of a structured paper or a memo; it should include headings or the questions above as section headings. The paper should be about 3 pages (+/- 1 page is fine).

#Marketing #behavior #change #Read #Influence #Science #amp #Practice

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